Girl Scout Bingo Free Printable

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Your troop will love playing this colorful and informative game of Girl Scout Bingo. It makes a great activity for just about any get together and is quick and easy to set up. Just print and play. Included are 32 vocabulary calling cards and 30 unique bingo game boards. This bingo card was created randomly from a total of 30 events: Animal Shelter tour, Brownie Elf, Brownie Quest Journey, Co-Troop Meetings, Dancing Patch, Donated to humane society, First Cookie Sales, Girl Scout Week, Group Photo, Juliette Low Rally, Learned First Aid, Made Father's Day cards, Made Mother's Day Cards, Pets Patch, Pottery Patch, Proud to be Girl Scouts, Sewed cat toys, Silver. The name Girl Scout they're proud to bear. (Chorus) They are Girl Scouts on the go With wider opportunities Some Girl Scouts go overseas (Chorus) Leaders have no disc at all They come all sizes big and small. They share their time and talents too They make Girl Scouting great for you. (Chorus) GROWING UP GIRL SCOUTS (Tune: Brownie Smile Song.

Girl Scout Bingo Free PrintableThe Girl Scouts is a youth organization for girls that aim to empower girls and teach them values such as honesty, fairness, courage and compassion. For more about the girl scouts of the USA visit Girl scout cookie bingo printable

These Girl Scouts bingo cards have words associated with the girl scouts instead of the ordinary bingo numbers. The word list includes words like Brownie, Cadet, Camping, Cookies and Caring that makes the bingo game a fun activity.


These bingo cards were created using The Bingo Maker bingo card maker; you may create your own custom bingo cards with a free trial of The Bingo Maker using a wide variety of bingo templates.