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In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Santa Ana Star Casino is teaming up with Lovelace Women’s Hospital and Assured Imaging for the second consecutive year to offer mammograms at little or no cost to participants. As breast cancer is the second leading cancer among U.S. women according to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer screenings will be conducted onboard Lovelace Women’s Hospital’s mobile mammography unit on Friday, Nov. 2, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
“Santa Ana Star Casino is excited to help raise awareness about breast cancer and team up with Lovelace Women’s Hospital and Assured Imaging once again,” said Santa Ana Star Casino Director of Marketing Tammy Neil. “Our mobile mammography events will make it easy and convenient for women to receive vital screenings while avoiding the stress and hassle of visiting a radiology office.”
According to the American Cancer Society, the number of deaths from breast cancer is declining steadily due to better access to mammograms. Santa Ana Star Casino’s mobile mammography events increase the community’s access to care by giving women two opportunities to receive potentially life-saving mammography screenings in a comfortable, private setting near their homes or places of work.
“These events are important to the community because early detection is so significant in breast cancer. For example, a tumor can be detected by a mammogram as many as two years before it is able to be felt during a breast exam,” said Lovelace Women’s Hospital’s Director of Diagnostic Imaging Sherry Aragon. “By bringing the mobile screening to the community, we are able to serve a population who normally would not come in to the facility for an examination.”
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Women who are uninsured or underinsured can contact the New Mexico Department of Health’s Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program at (877) 852-2585 to locate a screening clinic or medical provider who can qualify them for a no-cost mammogram. For more information or to schedule an appointment for the mobile mammography unit, call (888) 233-6121.